Elite 1:1 Coaching by LUMINÜ

Your Personal

Plan for Lasting

Weight Loss

Say goodbye to the diet rollercoaster and hello to a healthy, empowered lifestyle that lasts. Elite Coaching is your VIP pass to a total life glow-up that goes beyond the scale. 

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Creating a lifestyle that’s uniquely yours

Elite 1:1 Coaching leverages The Ü Method to design a personalized journey around your unique lifestyle, not the other way around. Our approach blends flexible, enjoyable eating with custom workouts, guided by your expert coach every step of the way. It’s not just about losing weight; it’s about giving you the tools to transform your entire life with sustainable, livable habits.


  • Sick of the restrictive diets and unrealistic “food rules” that leave you feeling guilty for enjoying your life?
  • Overwhelmed by all the conflicting health advice, and can’t figure out what’s best for you?
  • Tired of suffering through low-calorie diets, just to regain the weight you lost the second you sniff a cookie?
  • Struggling to find a doable fitness routine that feels fun and fits into your busy schedule?
  • Frustrated with feeling bloated, puffy, and tired – like you just can’t gear up the motivation to reach your goals?
  • Wishing you had someone in your corner to take the guesswork out of getting fit and guide you every step of the way?


well, just imagine...

  • Enjoying your favorite foods without guilt, anxiety, or slipping into old habits
  • Having a customized, all-inclusive health & wellness plan that fits with your lifestyle and feels effortless
  • Knowing how to properly fuel your metabolism to avoid dreaded weight loss plateaus
  • Feeling energized from a workout routine that’s custom-built for your goals (and your packed calendar)
  • Breezing through your day with more energy than ever before (goodbye midday slump!)

Get ready to unleash a lighter, healthier you.



Elite Coaching isn’t just a program; it’s a holistic support system. With the expert application of The Ü Method, we fine-tune your eating habits, workout routine, and mindset to align perfectly with your individual needs, so you can feel confident that every move you make is a step toward your goals.

client love notes

"I feel stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

As an Elite client, I went from 237 pounds to 180 pounds. I lost 57 pounds, 6 pant sizes, and over 30 inches total! I have the energy to keep up with my kids, the activities they’re doing, all while being a business owner. I have dropped below my pre-pregnancy weights and I have more confidence than I have had in a very long time.


"Luminü gave me an outlet to get out of restrictive diets and gave me the tools I needed to succeed

As an Elite client, I learned so much. I love my body, my sex drive is back, my mental health is in the best place, and I became the mom I always wanted to be! I learned that I didn’t have to restrict myself from all my favorite things to achieve my goals.


"None of this would have been possible without my coach

Part of me kept waiting for my coach to quit on me like all the other coaches in prior programs I tried. But my coach never quit. She found options for my struggles and challenges. Supported me when I needed support. Let me vent when it was just a bad day. Most importantly, she never let me give up on myself, and she never quit on me!


"I had been to countless doctors who had no idea how to help, and that’s when I turned to Luminü

My time as an Elite client has been life changing. Working with my coach,  I was able to balance my hormones and lose 15 pounds and keep it off. I am in tune with my body, and I no longer have to sacrifice events and fun to feel my best. I will forever be changed because of the knowledge I gained.


"If you've tried almost everything, or you keep doing the same thing expecting different results, then this is your last and final stop

I have such an improved relationship with food. I'm off blood pressure pills, I sleep without medication, I'm happier! I've lost 30+ pounds, more than 15 total body inches. Best of all, I have a more loving relationship with myself and my body! The Luminü coaching team will give you tools for sustainable results!



The Ü Method Personal Protocol: Expertly curated by your coach, and tailored to your lifestyle, personality, behavioral tendencies, and social calendar

Custom Nutrition Targets: Continuously fine-tuned by your coach, and built around your chocolate cravings, girls' nights, and weekend funtivities!

Personalized Training Programs: Expertly designed to fit your goals (and your busy schedule), with built-in workout tracking to easily monitor progress

Holistic Mindset & Habit Coaching: To develop a positive relationship with food and your body, and make healthy habits feel as easy as brushing your teeth

Streamlined Progress Tracking: In our exclusive app, access weekly check-ins, personal goal monitoring, and convenient weight and image trackers for a clear snapshot of your progress

Ultimate Accountability: Real-time messaging, 1:1 calls, and support from your personal coach to answer your questions and guide you every step of the way


Lifestyle & Personality

Assessment Phase

We start by understanding you and your life: Your schedule, your time commitments, your social calendar, your personality and behavioral tendencies, and what motivates you.

We identify the mindset and lifestyle hurdles that are holding you back. And then we create a 100% customized plan that blends seamlessly with your life, helping you stay more consistent with less effort.

Reset & Repair

Metabolic Priming Phase

Most of our members have spent years restricting calories and over-exercising, and they’re shocked to learn that eating too little and working out too much can actually prevent weight loss. 

In the Reset & Repair Phase, we remove the restriction found in traditional diets and heal your relationship with food. We replace exhausting, high-intensity training with intentional movement. And we prime your metabolism to be a fat-burning machine!

Burn & Build

Fat Loss Phase

In the Burn & Build Phase, we expertly pair nutrition with strength training workouts to help you build a fit, toned physique. Our blended protocols help grow lean muscle while specifically targeting body fat, so you can rock that “I-work-out-a-lot” vibe for real. With the flexibility of The Ü Method, you’ll reach your goals while still enjoying bottomless brunches, pizza nights, and weekend getaways.

Live & Luminü

Lifestyle Integration Phase

You’ve built a solid foundation of healthy habits, and are living as the lighter you! In this phase, the focus shifts: dial back the intensity and lean on your intuition because health and wellness have become second nature. Walk away confidently, knowing your results are yours to keep, as you fully enjoy life!
Hi There!

We’re Jess & Melissa

We launched this journey from a starting point that may hit close to home. Standing in front of the mirror, dissecting every inch of our bodies, and daydreaming of a version where we felt genuinely happy, and healthy. 

Tired of trying (and failing) every health fad out there, we knew there had to be a better way to get results and make them last. 

All this to say, we’ve worn the shoes you’re in right now. We’ve battled the overwhelm that comes from feeling trapped in a body that just wouldn’t cooperate, no matter how hard we tried. We’ve done the 7-day juice cleanses and the no-carb thing, and we know none of that truly works. 

We understand how you’re feeling right now because we’ve lived it, and we broke free. And now we’re here to help you do the same. 

We’re not just offering a program; we’re inviting you to an elite coaching experience where you’ll have an expert, an accountability buddy, and your biggest cheerleader, all-in-one, to help you make more progress than ever before. Let’s create your dream life together!

xo, JM


Expert guidance, personal journeys, transformative results.
Coach Leslie
Hey, I'm Leslie and I’m from Weatherford, OK! As a mom of four sporty kids and a fitness enthusiast, I turned my post-baby weight loss journey into a career. Now, I’m all about teaching women how to get fit without giving up life’s joys, backed by my nutrition and hormonal health expertise.
Coach Taylor
Hey! I'm Taylor from Michigan, blending my skills as a Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer to make health simple and fun. For four years, I’ve been crafting custom-fit, enjoyable health plans, helping clients turn fitness into a joyful part of their lives.
Coach Dorota
Hi! I'm Dorota, your fitness bestie from Jersey City, NJ, with roots in Poland. My mission, after overcoming my own struggles with dieting and self-acceptance, is to guide women in building a loving relationship with their bodies, using a mindset-first approach for real, lasting change.
Michelle - Client Success Manager & Mindset Specialist

Hey there, I’m Michelle, your go-to Client Success Manager at LUMINÜ! After reshaping my own relationship with food and body image, my psychology background now drives my passion to support and guide our clients through their transformative journeys.


The support you have is all around - from nutrition, to fitness, and to life

Your coach feels like your friend. They really want to understand your life so they can help you get to where you want to go (and then stay there). I lost 30 lbs, but gained so much knowledge along the way. Luminü really wants to help you find the best version of you, and “weight loss” is just one of the tools used to get you there.



  • You want to feel slimmer, stronger, and look better in clothes
  • You’re ready to end self-sabotage and break through limiting beliefs 
  • You’re desperate to feel lighter, happier, more confident 
  • You’re eager to make health and fitness a regular part of your daily routine
  • You thrive with flexible structure, guidance, support, and accountability
  • You’re done with quick fixes, and ready for a livable plan that gets lasting results


With Elite Coaching, you’ll finally break free from the endless cycle of dieting, and create the freedom you’ve been searching for. Our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your everyday life, empowering you to have a healthy relationship with food and build genuine confidence in your body.

Begin your transformative journey with us and create a lifestyle where true health and happiness go hand-in-hand.


Absolutely! With Elite Coaching, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite foods or miss out on social events. We focus on a balanced approach where no food is off-limits.
Whether it’s enjoying pizza on a Friday night, indulging in a slice of birthday cake, or savoring a meal at your favorite restaurant, our coaching utilizes The Ü Method to accommodate your favorite treats. It’s all about understanding how to incorporate these foods into your diet in a way that aligns with your weight loss goals. This approach ensures you can enjoy life’s delicious moments without derailing your progress.

Yes, absolutely! In Elite Coaching, all our coaches are certified personal trainers who create custom exercise routines that respect and work within your physical limitations. 

Whether you have specific injuries, chronic conditions, or mobility issues, our coaches will design a fitness plan that is both safe and effective, tailored just for you.

We know everyone’s dietary needs and preferences are unique. That’s why your coach will work closely with you to understand and incorporate any dietary restrictions you have into your personalized nutrition plan. If you can’t eat certain foods, or follow a special diet like vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc. our coaches will make a plan that fits your needs and helps you reach your goals.

Tracking your progress is easy with Elite Coaching. You’ll have access to our all-in-one app, where you can keep an eye on your weight loss trends, exercise achievements, sleep patterns, water intake, and more.
Our app works with popular step and food tracking apps, so your coach can see how you’re eating and exercising to help you adjust and refine your plan based on real data. 

This all-inclusive approach gives you and your coach a clear view of your progress, so you can work towards your goals in the most effective way possible.

Elite Coaching and The Üniversity both focus on weight loss through sustainable lifestyle changes using The Ü Method, but the journey to your goals is different.
Elite Coaching offers a highly personalized experience, where every aspect of the program (from diet to exercise, and even mindset) is expertly tailored to your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle.

You’ll have direct, continuous access to a dedicated coach who provides hands-on guidance, motivation, and accountability, including 24/7 text support, weekly check-ins, and monthly personal coaching calls. This structured, step-by-step approach is closely monitored and adjusted by your coach to ensure you get the most efficient results possible.

On the other hand, The Üniversity is a self-guided program, allowing you the freedom to explore and apply various strategies at your own pace. It’s filled with resources and tools to reach your goals, but it requires you to adapt the information to suit your individual lifestyle.

While it offers support through coaching calls and a help desk, you’ll have more self-reliance in your weight loss journey. The Üniversity still provides a flexible approach to weight loss but without the individualized coaching attention found in Elite Coaching.

In Elite Coaching, you’ll receive comprehensive support tailored to your unique journey. This includes 24/7 text support, allowing you to reach out to your coach anytime for advice or encouragement. You’ll also have weekly check-ins to track your progress and make necessary adjustments to your plan. Additionally, personal coaching calls are scheduled to discuss your journey in-depth, address any challenges, and celebrate your successes. This level of support ensures you’re never alone in your journey, and there’s always someone to guide you, motivate you, and hold you accountable to your goals.

Elite Coaching is ideal if you’re seeking a personalized, in-depth approach to weight loss and wellness. It’s for you if you’ve tried various cookie-cutter diets with no long-term success, and you want to cut through the confusion and learn what works best for your body to get real results. If you’re ready to end the cycle of failed diets and quick fixes, embrace a lighter, more confident version of yourself, and are willing to learn and apply healthy nutrition and exercise habits, then this program is a perfect match.

If you have tried and failed to hit your health goals on your own in the past, BUT you are committed to making a real, lasting change in your lifestyle and health, you will thrive with Elite Coaching!