Ditch Restrictive Diets Forever

Welcome to
The Üniversity

Join the thousands of women who have achieved long-lasting results, without sacrificing ice cream or date nights.
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Say goodbye to the pain of no-carb diets and the struggle of surviving on zero-point foods

You didn’t fail those diets, those diets didn’t live up to their promises.

Time and again, traditional diets have left you feeling deprived and disappointed, not because of a lack of effort on your part, but because they weren’t designed for sustainable success. We’ve flipped the script. Inside The Üniversity, you’ll harness the power of The Ü Method to build a plan that’s both effective and enjoyable, so you can stop dieting and start living.

You want to lose the weight, but you’re:

Not even sure where to start
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Fed up with the quick fixes and fad diets that are impossible to stick to
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Juggling a busy life, struggling to make your health a priority
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Overwhelmed by conflicting health advice you find online
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Missing a supportive community of women who just “get it”
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Wanting a total lifestyle transformation, not just another diet
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Just imagine…

Getting advice from expert coaches who cut through the confusion and guide you straight to your goals
Saying goodbye to restriction and hello to happy hours, date nights, and desserts (guilt-free)!
Having access to quick and effective workouts, and delicious, family-friendly recipes at your fingertips
Feeling good from the inside-out, with a mindset that keeps you motivated to reach your goals


The Üniversity

This is not another diet program — it's your one-stop-shop for a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. Learn what to eat and how to move to reach your goals while fully enjoying your life.

Who this program is for:

The Serial Dieter

You’ve hopped from one diet to the next, with no lasting results to show for it. Even your friends and family are getting tired of hearing “I can’t, I’m on a diet”.

The All-Or-Nothing Diva

You’re tired of constantly choosing between sticking to your plan or living your life. “I’ll start again Monday” is a staple in your vocabulary.

The Self-Saboteur

You’re sick of taking one step forward, just to take two steps back. Happy, sad, angry, or stressed – you don’t discriminate. “Emotional eating” is your middle name.
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying

"Working with Jess and Melissa inside of The Üniversity has been life-giving."

After a chronic illness diagnosis and trying to find the right medication dosage, I experienced rapid weight loss, followed by rapid weight gain. I thought I was doomed to live life in a body that wasn’t mine. I tried a couple of diets but realized none of them were sustainable. Inside the Üniversity, I discovered a sustainable way of losing weight and loving the body I was in without giving up foods I love, life celebrations with loved ones, or going out to eat. I’ve lost two pant sizes, a bra band size, and more. But the best part is what I’ve gained: education, a healthier relationship with food, and a love for my body and all it can do.


"My habits are changing, my mindset has shifted and I can actually visualize my future self!"

I watched these two women speak from the heart, mirroring my experience with the diet industry. They understood the pain, the vicious restrict and binge cycle, the self deprecation…all of it. I didn’t believe this process would work at first, so I borrowed their belief until I had my own. Now, I’m a believer! I lost 5 pounds and 4 inches during our last 10 day challenge! I can’t recommend this program and community enough. We’re all here lifting each other up while having the freedom to enjoy delicious and fun foods! ZERO RESTRICTIONS!


"I am not only lighter physically, but mentally. Through this journey I have learned to love myself again."

I have been a yo-yo dieter for as long as I can remember. I’d always been able to lose weight by just cutting calories and tracking my food. This last time I was eating 1200 calories/day, exercising 6 days/week, and the scale was not moving. I was the heaviest I had ever been - starving and miserable. With The Üniversity, I was able to repair my metabolism and my relationship with food. I lost 40lbs, reached my goal weight, and learned how to keep it off for good. I owe it all to The Üniversity and I will forever be grateful.


"Now healthy habits have become a part of my everyday life!"

It all clicked when I joined the "Unblock Your Weight Loss" program. It helped me recognize things in my past that affected me long term. I had no idea these things were having such a huge impact on my life and my goals. I'm now locked in and staying consistent with my nutrition, and moving my body every day! So, so, so grateful for finding this... It has changed my life for the better! I will definitely be paying it forward and sharing with the people in my life as I continue to be a work in progress.



When you join The Üniversity, you’ll:

Apply The Ü Method to jumpstart your metabolism, eat your favorite foods & still lose weight⁣
Get easy, family-friendly meal ideas that take the guesswork out of eating healthy
Have access to quick and effective workouts you can do anywhere without needing tons of equipment
Join weekly coaching calls to help you stay accountable, consistent, and on track toward your goals⁣
Get support from our expert coaching team for advice, questions, and encouragement⁣
Gain lifetime access to a supportive, no-judgment community of women all on the same journey as you⁣


The Ü Method: Applied

Learn the secrets behind The Ü Method to enjoy your favorite foods – from Friday night pizzas to Sunday brunches – without derailing your weight loss goals. We'll teach you how to indulge responsibly and still see results.

Simple nutrition for
everyday life

We take the stress out of meal planning with “lightened up”, high protein versions of your favorite foods (think - lasagna, chicken tenders, and brownies). These family-friendly meal ideas are designed to fit real life, making healthy eating simple and enjoyable.

Efficient, on-demand workouts

Discover quick, effective workouts that fit into your busy schedule. Our follow-along videos, suitable for all fitness levels and requiring minimal equipment, ensure that anyone can get fit in under 30 minutes a day.

Mindset mastery for
lasting change

Learn powerful strategies to build a healthier relationship with food. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and binge eating, and step into a life free from food guilt and anxiety.

Expert support for
every step

Stay motivated and on track with our Coaching Help Desk. Whether you need advice, have questions, or just need some extra motivation, our team is here to support your weight loss journey.

Community and
coaching Calls

Join a supportive community of women on the same journey, all cheering you on. Our weekly coaching calls keep you focused and inspired towards your weight loss goals.

Hey there!

We're Jess and Melissa

We understand the rollercoaster of diet fads. Like you, we’ve tried everything from detoxes to boxed meals and cutting carbs. But we’d always end up right back where we started, or sometimes — even worse off.
We were stuck in a frustrating cycle of suffering to lose weight, just to gain it all back.

But everything changed when we unlocked the secrets of flexible dieting. We were eating our favorite foods, losing weight, and experiencing more energy and confidence than ever before. It felt like we found the cheat code to lasting results, and we knew we had to share it with as many women as possible. That calling sparked the creation of The Ü Method.

Our goal? To give you the tools to break free from the frustrating cycle of restrictive diets and step into a world where you can eat your favorite foods without running your progress.

Enter: The Üniversity. A place where you can master The Ü Method, and build a livable plan to reach your goals and make changes that last a lifetime.

xo JM

Is The Üniversity right for you?

This is for you if:

  • You’re ready to enjoy meals out, pizza nights, and cocktails while still losing weight.
  • You are ready to break through weight loss plateaus and finally see results.
  • You want to end the cycle of all-or-nothing thinking, emotional eating, and self-sabotage.
  • You want people in your life who “get it” outside of your family or best friend.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You like being hangry, having FOMO, and never enjoying ice cream.

  • You’re happy losing and regaining the same 10lbs over and over again.

  • You want to miss out on moments with family and friends for the sake of losing weight.

  • You don’t want to fit into your clothes and feel confident in your skin.

what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying
what our members are saying

"This program has been transformative not just physically, but mentally and emotionally."

I struggled with extreme dieting, excessive cardio, and a difficult relationship with food and body confidence since I was 8 years old. I spent about 30 years losing weight, gaining it back, and punishing myself with exercise if I ate "bad" food. With LUMINÜ, I dropped 20lbs, several inches, and totally recomped my body while enjoying my favorite foods. I learned to reframe negative thoughts about myself, and my confidence has sky-rocketed in my personal and professional relationships!


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Are You Ready For
Lasting Transformation?

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Are You Ready For Lasting Transformation?

Embrace a balanced lifestyle and never diet again.

The Üniversity is your total package. With fun workouts, healthy meal ideas, mindset tips, and coaching support – you’ll get everything you need to take back control and create a lighter, more confident you, without the recurring monthly fees.

Frequently asked questions

How is The Üniversity different from other weight loss programs I've tried?

Unlike traditional programs, The Üniversity doesn't just give you a diet plan; it teaches you the knowledge and skills you need for sustainable weight management. Our focus is on building a plan around your lifestyle, understanding your eating habits, and providing practical strategies for real-life challenges. It's an all-inclusive approach that sets you up for long-term success.

What makes participants of The Üniversity so successful in their weight loss journey?

Success at The Üniversity comes from more than just following a diet; it's about lifestyle transformation. Our participants learn valuable techniques for overcoming mental and emotional challenges, along with practical advice for navigating social situations and daily life without compromising their weight loss goals.

How much time should I dedicate to The Üniversity program to see results?

We recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week to engage with the content, participate in the community, and apply what you've learned. This program is designed to fit into your life and help you steadily progress toward your goals.

I've struggled with weight loss in the past. How will The Üniversity be different for me?

Unlike other diets, we’re not giving you a “one-size-fits-all” set of instructions. You’ll have a comprehensive strategy tailored to your body and your life. The Üniversity is unique because it addresses the 'how' and 'why' behind weight loss, not just the 'what.' We focus on things other diets and programs leave out, like addressing mental barriers that hold you back, and emotional eating that derail your progress, along with strategies to get you back on track if you feel yourself stumbling.

What kind of support will I receive in The Üniversity?

You'll have access to our supportive community, weekly coaching calls, and a 24/7 Coaching Help Desk. Our team is dedicated to providing guidance, encouragement, and support to ensure you're on track and making progress.

Can The Üniversity accommodate my food allergies or special dietary needs?

Absolutely. Our program is flexible and can be tailored to accommodate any dietary restrictions or preferences.

I have some physical limitations, will I be able to follow the workouts?

Yes, absolutely! Our workouts are designed for all fitness levels. Plus, you’ll find modified workouts specifically made to accommodate common limitations, like knee, back, neck, and shoulder issues.

Why should I join The Üniversity now?

Life never feels less busy, that’s why we created The Üniversity to fit your lifestyle! The strategies you learn here are not just for temporary weight loss; they're skills for lifelong results. Plus, time is the one thing you can’t get back. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll enjoy the benefits of improved health and happiness.

Are there any hidden costs or additional materials I need to purchase for The Üniversity?

No, there are no hidden costs. The Üniversity is a one-time fee for lifetime access! All you need to bring is your commitment to change and an eagerness to learn.